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This is Tolype? - Apotolype blanchardi

This is Tolype? - Apotolype blanchardi
Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, USA
February 13, 2012
Size: 3-3.5CM
Tolype? February 13th, 2012 Brownsville, Texas. On Pithecellobium dulce .. these are not, by my experience, full sized. The black band posterior to the head at perhaps the third segment (barely visible here) opens up into a velvety red gash if you can get the bug stimulated enough.. Mostly they are unimpressed with humans. These do not (cannot?) sting or cause skin irritation as far as I know. They form groups on the lower trunk during the day but forage all the way to the top for the very newest shoots late at night. Thanks for your help.

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This is Tolype? - Apotolype blanchardi This is Tolype? - Apotolype blanchardi

Did you raise these into the adults? Should they be linked together?

I suppose you could say I rai
I suppose you could say I raised them... I maintain the host plants for them and watch over the bugs.. :) They are also fond of a yellow flowering tree with compound leaves locally named 'Texas Bird of Paradise' I'll have to look that up and give the info on what it is. Thanks everybody for your expert help identifying these pretty bugs.

Moved from Tolype.

Moved from ID Request.

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