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Small black moth w/ yellow eyes - Cydosia majuscula

Small black moth w/ yellow eyes - Cydosia majuscula
Rock Creek Natural Area, Harold Alexander W.M.A., Sharp County, Arkansas, USA
March 26, 2012
Size: maybe 15mm
It had a glossy metallic sheen and the eyes were very brightly coloured. Would not stay for more pictures. I've looked through a lot of the moth pictures with no luck.

Moved to Cydosia majuscula
Moved from Cydosia.

Please let Bob know if MPG may use the image. Thanks!

Cydosia majuscula (H. Edwards, 1881)
This will be Hodges 8999.1 at MPG when the new checklist revisions appear. It is found east of Texas. It was recently separated from Cydosia aurivitta and elevated to species status by Lafontaine & Schmidt (2015). It was originally described from Georgia.

May we show this photo on the species page at MPG?

Certainly you may use it at MPG
and thanks for the i.d. I keep looking at the same spot in hopes of seeing another!

BG Page added
The BOLD image I added below is now in Cydosia majuscula. Thanks!

Moved from Moths.

8999 – Cydosia aurivitta?
They can be entirely black. If it's not that or in the same genus, I'm thinking something in Lithosiini.

Edit - just noticed an orange dot on the shoulder.

C. vittata does look good
I've looked at the pictures for C. vittata and that is very much what this moth was like with the "shot" colours shining up but without the big red patches. I had not noticed the orange spot on the shoulder before.
Thanks very much for looking at this. I have not seen another moth like it since.
Cheryl Lavers

Cydosia nr. aurivitta
Check out Cydosia nr. aurivitta at BOLD here. I think this can be moved to genus.

Where did you get the C. vittata reference?

My mistake
Sorry, I had been looking at another insect that was S. vittata. Cydosia aurivitta does look like my moth.

Moved from ID Request.

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