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Common Barklouse Herd I - Cerastipsocus venosus

Common Barklouse Herd I - Cerastipsocus venosus
Mobile (Dog River), Mobile County, Alabama, USA
March 31, 2012
This herd of Cerastipsocus nymphs remind me of a litter of Border Collie puppies ... constantly herding themselves. In a matter of 6 hours, these 300+ psocids had collectively traveled about 7 feet up this Siberian Elm (Ulmus pumila). They had gone so high, I could not find them this morning. Wherever they are, rest assured they are together. This is Crazy Bob reporting live from the Zimlich Zone.

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Common Barklouse Herd I - Cerastipsocus venosus Common Barklouse Herd - Cerastipsocus venosus The Herd Report - Cerastipsocus venosus The Herd Report - Cerastipsocus venosus The Herd Report - Cerastipsocus venosus

How do you count those puppies?
Or are they serially numbered?

Funny you should ask
Being the geek I am, I created a blank layer in PhotoShop & tagged each w/colored dots , changing color ever 100. I had 3 colors + 8=308. In the immotal werds of Paul Harvey ...

im on my backup comp while mine is in theshop..
and idont have your mailso snuck back to an old post and will ask u a question.. do you happen to know is the uv light in a bug zapper the same as in a grow light? just one of those curiousitys that strike when you're sitting round watching it snow..can u email me?

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