Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Argynnis hydaspe Boisduval 1869. Type locality: "sud de la Californie" [defined as “Gold Lake, Sierra County, California” in J. Emmel et al 1998, 'Systematics of Western North American Butterflies' (2): 34]
Argynnis Rhodope W. H. Edwards 1874. Type locality: British Columbia [defined as "between 150-Mile House [Bates'] and Beaver Lake, Cariboo District, British Columbia" in Calhoun 2015, News of the Lepidopterist's Society 57(3): 41
Argynnis monticola purpurascens Hy. Edwards 1877. Type locality: Soda Springs, Siskiyou County, California
Argynnis sakuntala Skinner 1911. Type locality: Kaslo, British Columbia
Argynnis skinneri W. Holland 1931 [superfluous junior objective synonym of sakuntula; published as an unnecessary replacement name for sakuntula, erroneously thought to be preoccupied]
Speyeria hydaspe (Boisduval) dos Passos & Grey 1945
Speyeria hydaspe conquista dos Passos & Grey 1945. Type locality: Little Tesuque Canyon, 8000 ft., near Santa Fe, New Mexico
Speyeria hydaspe minor dos Passos & Grey 1947. Type locality: Mt. McLean, 5000 ft., near Lillooet, British Columbia
Speyeria hydaspe tehama J. Emmel, T. Emmel & Mattoon 1998. Type locality: McClellan Mountain, Humboldt County, California
Some of the previous names are treated variously by some authors as geographical subspecies.
A u-shaped distribution through the mountains of California, north to British Columbia; east across Oregon, Washington, southern British Columbia, and Idaho into the Rockies of Alberta and Montana, and back south into Utah, Colorado, and probably into north-central New Mexico.
Closely related to the much paler S. adiaste, which displaces it in southern California.