Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Stilpnochlora couloniana (Saussure 1861)
Type Locality: Cuba
1 sp. in the genus in the U.S.
Largest katydid in U.S, over 65 mm long. Top margin of tegmen with two sites of significantly increased curvature.
FL and southern GA; also in Caribbean Islands inc. Bahamas and Cuba.
Crowns of deciduous trees. Comes to lights.
Seems to be present in FL as nymphs and adults year-round.
Life Cycle

Very young nymphs have "morse code" banding on antennae and very long bowed hind legs

Older nymphs often have a black "hourglass" shape on their backs

Adult male

Adult female
Eggs are very similar to eggs of Microcentrum spp.
Will feed on bramble and oak in captivity.