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Slime mold beetle - Sphindus americanus

Slime mold beetle - Sphindus americanus
Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA
July 9, 2006
Size: 1.8 - 1.9 mm
This slime mold beetle came to my MV light and appears to be the same species as the ones I posted previously -- not too surprising since I turned those loose a week or so ago near some slime mold patches in the back yard. This beetle is a bit cleaner and you can clearly see the orange/testaceous humeral and apical smudges that are just barely showing on the earlier set of images.

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Slime mold beetle - Sphindus americanus Slime mold beetle - Sphindus americanus


Sphindus americanus
Somewhat spotted elytra, elytral setae less conspicuous and not in such obvious rows.

Thank you, Don.

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