Family Eucnemidae - False Click Beetles
Notes on Coleoptera with descriptions of new species (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae). By Knull, J.N. Entomological News 48(2): 36-42., 1937
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Knull, J.N. 1937. Notes on Coleoptera with descriptions of new species (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae). Entomological News 48(2): 36-42.
(Continued from page 17)
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 4 September, 2024 - 11:37am |
Annotated checklist of the beetles (Coleoptera) of the California Channel Islands By Gimmel ML, Johnston MA, Caterino MS PeerJ 11:e14793, 2023
Contributed by v belov on 7 August, 2024 - 3:04pm |
Beetles of the boreal forest: a faunistic survey carried out in western Québec. By P. Paquin & N. Dupérré Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario, 2001, Vol. 132, 57-98, 2001
New Coleoptera (Cebrionidae, Buprestidae and Cerambycidae. By Knull, J.N. Entomological News, 46: 189-193., 1935
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Knull, J.N. (1935) New Coleoptera (Cebrionidae, Buprestidae and Cerambycidae. Entomological News, 46: 189-193.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 22 February, 2024 - 12:44pm |
New Coleoptera with notes (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae). By Knull, J.N. The Ohio Journal of Science. 44(2): 90-94., 1944
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Knull, J.N. (1944) New Coleoptera with notes (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae). The Ohio Journal of Science. 44(2): 90-94.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 6 September, 2023 - 11:37am |
The Lives of Beetles: A Natural History of Coleoptera By Arthur V. Evans Princeton University Press, 2023
A good overview of beetles written in general terms with certain species highlighted as examples.
Contributed by Marci Hess on 17 August, 2023 - 9:12am |
Recollections of old collecting grounds. II. - The lower Rio Grande Valley. By Wickham, H.F. Entomological News 9: 22-24., 1898
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Wickham, H.F. 1898. Recollections of old collecting grounds. II. - The lower Rio Grande Valley. Entomological News 9: 22-24.
The region about Brownsville. Texas, is one of great interest, but only lately has it been explored entomologically with any degree of care. Within the past two years, however, the country has been visited and worked by Prof. Townsend, Mr. Schwarz and the writer.*
It is by no means ready of access, since a visit implies either a long trip by steamer from New Orlea
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 16 August, 2023 - 2:34pm |
Semi-tropical Texas. By Schwarz, E.A. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 4: 1-3., 1896
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Schwarz, E.A. 1896. Semi-tropical Texas. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 4: 1-3.
If, confining myself to Coleoptera found by Prof. Townsend or myself near Brownsville, I mention the genera Agra, Dasydactylus, Physorhinus, Achryson, Gnaphalodes, Amphionycha, Megascelis, Plectrotetra, Brachycoryna, Listronychus, Polypria (quite a number of others are not yet determined, or undescribed), no one can deny the existence of a semi-tropical insect fauna along the north bank of the lower Rio Grande.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 16 August, 2023 - 12:54pm |