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Glaresidae? - Glaresis

Glaresidae? - Glaresis
Missoula County, Montana, USA
July 6, 2011
Size: 4.5mm
Caught two in a pitfall trap in a dry, sandy area.

Images of this individual: tag all
Glaresidae? - Glaresis Glaresidae? - Glaresis Glaresidae? - Glaresis Glaresidae? - Glaresis Glaresidae? - Glaresis

nice! i'll ask Bill Warner to check it out
Moved from ID Request.

You move fast =v=! Thanks for the ID! What a fascinating critter.

fascinating indeed --thanks much for sharing, Ryan

If the
fore tibia are important for species ID I can easily provide :)

based on the key to the spp. of Nebraska(1), the critical diagnostic parts include mesotibia, hind leg, and the head; i think sharper photos of these parts may greatly help to get a positive ID

Great! Shall I append these photos to those already posted here?

yes, by all means

Well, legs are up - The head is proving tricky with the limited resources that I have.

Glaresis revision
Dr. Robert Gordon and myself are in the beginning steps of revising Glaresis again (he did it back in the 60's). Should be able to put a name on this specimen, I will show him the images and if we cannot come up with a name, seeing the specimen in person may help at some point..

Glaresis revision
Very cool! I've got a voucher kicking around so I can definitely send it your way if need be!

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