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Pithanus maerkeli (Herrich-Schaeffer) and Actitocoris signatus Reuter in North America (Hemiptera: Miridae)
By L.A. Kelton
The Canadian Entomologist 98: 1305-1307, 1966

Revision of the Ceratocapsine Renodaeus group: Marinonicoris, Pilophoropsis, Renodaeus, and Zanchisme, with...
By Henry, Thomas J.
Pensoft Publishers, 2015
Full Title: Revision of the Ceratocapsine Renodaeus group: Marinonicoris, Pilophoropsis, Renodaeus, and Zanchisme, with descriptions of four new genera (Heteroptera, Miridae, Orthotylinae)
In ZooKeys 490: 1-156

The Renodaeus group, a monophyletic assemblage of genera within the New World orthotyline tribe Ceratocapsini, includes eight genera, four described (Marinonicoris, Pilophoropsis, Renodaeus, and Zanchisme) and four new (Ceratocapsidea, Pilophoropsidea, Pilophoropsita, and Zanchismeopsidea). The Renodaeus group includes 48 species, 10 described, 26 new, and 12 transferred from Ceratocapsus.

A revised classification of the Phylinae (Insecta, Heteroptera, Miridae) : arguments for the placement of genera
By Randall T. Schuh and Katrina L Menard
American Museum of Natural History, 2013
American Museum novitates 3785

Phylinae is classified into 8 tribes.

Available online at AMNH Research Library.

Concerning Cuban Miridae (Insecta: Hemiptera)
By Maldonado Capriles, J.
Caribbean Journal of Science, 1986
Caribbean Journal of Science 22: 125-136

Includes key to the Pycnoderes group (Aguayomiris, Cyrtocapsus, Sixeonotus, Parapycnoderes, Pycnoderes, Schaffnerisca, and Sixeonotopsis) of Bryocorini genera, etc.

Plant Bugs, or Miridae (Hemiptera Heteroptera), of Cuba (Faunistica)
By Luis M. Hernández & Thomas J. Henry
Pensoft Pub, 2010
Abstract: This taxonomic review of the Cuban Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) treats 105 species in 57 genera. Twelve new species are described, two new synonyms are recognized, and four previously recorded species are removed from the list. All genera and species are diagnosed, and a thorough literature review and information on host plants and distribution are given. Male genitalia are illustrated and a color image is provided for nearly all species. Identification keys to subfamilies, tribes, genera, and species are included, and the biogeography of the Cuban and West Indian mirid fauna is discussed. This work will form a solid foundation for future research on the plant bugs of Cuba, providing a summary of the information known about each species and the means to accurately identify them.

Systematics, Biodiversity, Biogeography, and Host Associations of the Miridae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha)
By G. Cassis and Randall T. Schuh
Annual Reviews, 2012
Annual Review of Entomology Vol. 57: 377-404


Miscellanea Miridologica (Insecta: Heteroptera)
By Michal D. Schwartz & Frédéric Chérot
Magnolia Press, 2005
Zootaxa 814: 1-24

Some new subfamily placements, new combinations, lectotype designations, name replacements, and taxonomic level changes are discussed.

Newly recognized synonyms, homonyms, and combinations in the North American Miridae (Heteroptera)
By T.J. Henry
Journal of the New York Entomological Society 93(3): 1121-1136, 1985

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