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Darkling Beetles - Hymenorus densus

Darkling Beetles - Hymenorus densus
Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, USA
May 12, 2012
Size: .25"
In large groups on Mangrove trees. First thought was a type of Darkling Beetle.

Moved tentatively...
...based on the following pers. comm. from M.C. Thomas: "More than likely Hymenorus densus which in Florida forms HUGE aggregations on flowers, especially those of yucca (10,000 individuals in a single flower stalk reported)."

Moved from ID Request.

Thank You
Thank You for the research V.

keep them coming --the smaller the better

Alleculinae; looks somewhat like Hymenorus...
...but i've never imagined members of that genus is such situations (disclaimer: i have no first-hand experience with the southeastern fauna)

the behavior looks special enough for someone familiar with the local fauna to recognize the beetle

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