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Bizarre Nesting Long Horned Beetle - Graphisurus fasciatus

Bizarre Nesting Long Horned Beetle - Graphisurus fasciatus
Wheaton, DuPage County, Illinois, USA
July 16, 2006
Size: 1/2" body
I found this long horned beetle tonight and am puzzled by the fact that it was mutating from larva stage to beetle in the corner of my eaves above my front door. The first picture is of the beetle itself. It is about a 1/2" long in body. I think it is a "Urographis Fasciatus" based on other pictures. I am very glad I was able to get these pictures prior to seeing it fly since I took the pictures in my house!

The other pictures show the protective dirt-based hut that the beetle built. I have no idea how it got so much dirt up there since the eaves above my front door are about 20' high. The dirt hut is about 2" long and 1" high. You can see the hole this one bored out through. I now know he was waiting for the other one (probably mate) to emerge. You can see from the other picture of the other side of the mud huts that the other one has not emerged yet but is very close. The body can be seen on the right hand side.

After I captured these the bug it waited about 2 hours in the container I have before it showed me it could fly. It would also play dead for a while when I would open the container.

Anyone know what this is for sure and should I be concerned for any trees or other shrubs?

Moved from Urographis.

Urographis fasciatus...
...the white sutural marking distinguishes it from the similar U. despectus.

Moved from Longhorned Beetles.

Try - Pine Sawyer_Monochamus
Try - Pine Sawyer_Monochamus Notatus.

Very similar, but this is smaller: Urographis is the genus. Moving to that guide page.

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