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first grasshopper of the season - Melanoplus borealis - male

first grasshopper of the season - Melanoplus borealis - Male
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
May 21, 2012
Size: 13 mm

I'm willing to go with it.
It matches Handford's photos and descriptions of M. borealis junius to a "T" and it matches other's photos and descriptions quite well also. It is becoming clear that M. borealis much more often has diagonal markings (at least a trace of them) on the outer hind femur than most literature allows for. And, nymphs often show strikingly different pattern traits from adults anyway.

Moved from Unidentified Melanoplus Nymphs.

Melanoplus borealis might be
a good candidate for this nymph. Nymphal descriptions by Vickery, Crozier & Guibord mention the outer face of the femur being fuscous (with one "white" bar on the upper half at about mid-point). M. borealis nymphs in Manitoba can display two such bars. The inner hind femur is described as fuscous. Other traits match up fairly well too.

Perhaps one day we'll know what it is for certain.

Moved from Melanoplus.

Moved from ID Request.

a male nymph of genus Melanoplus
The tip of the abdomen looks a great deal like M. femurrubrum, and it is hard to imagine another species with this area shaped like this. However, the coloring is a bit different from average, notably that of the hind femur. This is in the next to last instar; if he were one instar older, I would be more certain.

many thanks
Every time my granddaughter visits, she hunts over the garden until she finds an insect I haven't found yet. She'll be delighted with the details of this one.

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