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Homoptera - Philaenus spumarius

Homoptera - Philaenus spumarius
Portugal Cove, Northeast Avalon, Newfoundland/Labrador, Canada
July 20, 2006
Size: 7mm Body Length
After I posted my photo of a Homopteran (I thought it was a click beetle at the time), I got an opportunity to get some better photographs of another specimen that I'm almost certain must be the same species.  They looked identical to me.  The one shown here was sitting on a concrete wall.  I was amazed as I was focusing for a shot to have an ant attack the hopper and dash off with it. Even though I guess I wasn't as surprised as the hopper must have been,  I was still shocked and the ant ran so fast that I only got one out-of-focus shot of the ant carrying the jumper.  The world is indeed a dangerous place for these little creatures. Stephen Cresswell ID'd my other photo as a Homopteran and that is why I've labeled this one as such. UPDATE: Please see a photo of some ants that I took at this very same location and look especially at the entry marked "Don't Pity That Homopteran Yet!" posted by Heimchen. He says that rather than killing the Homopteran, the ant may have been stealing it or 'herding' it.  Amazing!

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Homoptera - Philaenus spumarius Homoptera - Philaenus spumarius Homoptera - Philaenus spumarius Homoptera - Philaenus spumarius