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Genus Empis

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Review of the Nearctic species of the subgenus Anacrostichus Bezzi, 1909 (Diptera: Empididae)
By I. V. Shamshev
Russian Entomological Journal, 2023
Abstract: The Nearctic species of dance flies of the subgenus Anacrostichus Bezzi, 1909 of the genus Empis Linnaeus, 1758 are reviewed. A total of ten species of the group are recognised from this region including a new species: E. (A.) spaetensis sp.n. (Canada (British Columbia)). In addition, a new synonym is proposed: Empis laevigata Loew, 1864 = Empis lucida Zetterstedt, 1838. All species are redescribed and illustrated. A key to the North American species of Anacrostichus is provided.

Monograph of the North American Empidoidea
By Melander, Axel Leonard
Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Volume 28, p.195 - 368, 1902
Complete descriptions of Dance Flies (Empidoidea) species, including keys and figures.

Download online here

Identification key to Nearctic genera of Empidoidea
By Bradley J. Sinclair, Scott E. Brooks, Jeffrey M. Cumming
Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification, 2023
Full title: An illustrated identification key to Nearctic genera of Empidoidea (exclusive of Dolichopodidae sensu stricto) (Diptera)


Diversity of saproxylic dance flies and long-legged flies (Diptera: Empidoidea) in a temperate deciduous forest in Quebec...
By Cumming JM, Sinclair BJ, Brooks SE, Mlynarek J, and Wheeler TA
Zootaxa 4521(2): 287-293, 2018
full title: Diversity of saproxylic dance flies and long-legged flies (Diptera: Empidoidea) in a temperate deciduous forest in Quebec, Canada

PDF on ResearchGate

Genera Insectorum 185
By A. L. Melander
P. Wytsman, 1928
Genera Insectorum fasc. 185 contains Melander's revision of Empididae.

It is available in the Biodiversity Heritage Library collection as the second half of the 184+185 pair.

Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Mississippi and especially from C
By Osten Sacken, C. R. Baron von
Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 3: 189-354., 1877
I used this for original descriptions of Asilidae.

Full title:
Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Mississippi and especially from California.

Found here.

Pollinating flies (Diptera): A major contribution to plant diversity and agricultural production
By Ssymank A., Kearns C.A., Pape T., Thompson F.C.
Biodiversity 9: 86‒89, 2011

New Diptera from North and Central America
By Curran C.H.
Am. Mus. novitates 415: 1-16, 1930

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