Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
What moth? - Amorpha juglandis - female

What moth? - Amorpha juglandis - Female
Columbia County, Pennsylvania, USA
June 21, 2012
Size: about 2 1/2 in. wingspan
Maybe a sphinx?

Images of this individual: tag all
What moth? - Amorpha juglandis - female What moth? - Amorpha juglandis What moth? - Amorpha juglandis First instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis First instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis First instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Second instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Second instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Second instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Third instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Third instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Third instar walnut sphinx-molting! - Amorpha juglandis Third instar walnut sphinx-molting! - Amorpha juglandis Fourth instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Fourth instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Fifth instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Fifth instar walnut sphinx - Amorpha juglandis Walnut sphinx pupae - Amorpha juglandis Walnut sphinx eclosed! - Amorpha juglandis - male Walnut sphinx eclosed! - Amorpha juglandis - female

Nice series
Quick question: I found a caterpillar on the street. I don't know if it's still hungry or whether it's ready to pupate. I want to rear it until hit hatches. Should I just give it a container with some leaf mulch at the bottom and some leaves above that?

Any idea how they hiss? I get the impression the sound comes from the anus, thus making the hissing sounds farts, but I can't really tell.

Great series!
This photo is being used on the info page for this species.

It isn't over yet!
They still have a few instars to go, then they have to pupate, then they have to eclose.

Please, fix the dates of all the other submissions. The system keeps using the same date for all other images of "same individual" and you have to correct them manually in the case of a life cycle such as this.
Nice job!

Moved from ID Request.

Yes, appears to be a female.

I am going to try to get it to lay eggs.

It is a female! It laid a few eggs, and I am expecting more later! I will probably post a few pictures of them later. I hope they are fertile!

They hatched!
A few hatched! If I can ever find the camera, I'll take some pictures. This site doesn't have any pics of the first instar, so those will probably help.

Walnut sphinx
Yes, this is the walnut sphinx, Amorpha juglandis.

Is it a female because its body is rounder?