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Possible brown recluse spider? - Metaltella simoni

Possible brown recluse spider? - Metaltella simoni
Temecula, California, USA
June 2, 2011
Size: less than 1cm
Unsure if it is a Brown Recluse, it was seen while working in the yard on some pieces wood.

Images of this individual: tag all
Possible brown recluse spider? - Metaltella simoni Possible brown recluse spider? - Metaltella simoni

Metaltella simoni
Moved from Hacklemesh Weavers.

Thanks for the additional image. I think your spider is Metaltella simoni. There is no way to be 100% sure without checking it under a microscope, but everything matches for it to be this species. This spider closely resembles some Hacklemesh Weavers.

likely a Hacklemesh weaver
Moved from ID Request.

Do you have any shots showing the top or dorsal side of the spider?

From the front
This is about the only pic i hv of it from the front view as it kept running away from me to hide under the plank.

Not a Recluse....
Note, Brown Recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) does NOT occur in California. I cannot tell you the species of this one, but it is not a dangerously venomous one.

Thank you.. that is a relief
Thank you.. that is a relief to know.

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