130 spp. in ?14 genera in our area
(1), >1,400 described (>2,500 estimated) spp. in 22 genera worldwide, arranged 3 subfamilies (all represented in our area)
Hemispheric head almost completely made up of the huge compound eyes. Body usually black. Wings tend to be elongated and to be narrowed at the base. Antennae are aristate and the (usually long)
arista arises on the dorsal side of the antenna. Dissection of genitalia normally required for identification of species.
all biogeographical regions of the world
adults are usually seen hovering among vegetation in forest clearings and edges
adults feed on honeydew secretions; larvae mostly parasitize leafhoppers and planthoppers;
Nephrocerus spp. parasitize crane flies
Infected female
Life Cycle
A single egg is injected into a nymph or adult planthopper or leafhopper, either while the bug is stationary or after the fly has picked up the bug and is in flight; the larva feeds internally and when mature, leaves the host through a break in one of the dorsal intersegmental membranes of the abdomen; pupation occurs in soil, leaf litter, at the base of plants, or rarely, attached to leaves.
considered sister to Schizophora
(5)Internet References
Family overview with pictorial key to European genera
Family overview [Tree of Life]