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Species Timulla vagans

Ephuta? - Timulla vagans - female Hymenoptera, Q Wasp 7, ID please - Timulla vagans Velvet Ant - Timulla vagans Velvet Ant - Timulla vagans Wingless female wasp- species? - Timulla vagans Timulla sp? - Timulla vagans Odd Little Bug - Timulla vagans wasps - velvet ants - Timulla vagans - male - female
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Hymenoptera (Ants, Bees, Wasps and Sawflies)
No Taxon (Aculeata - Ants, Bees and Stinging Wasps)
Superfamily Pompiloidea (Spider Wasps, Velvet Ants and allies)
Family Mutillidae (Velvet Ants)
Subfamily Mutillinae
Tribe Trogaspidiini
Genus Timulla
Species vagans (Timulla vagans)
Explanation of Names
Timulla vagans (Fabricius 1798)
female: 6-14 mm; male: 9-19 mm (1)
Mickel (1) describes subspecies vagans:
This is the most widely distributed and abundant species of the genus Timulla in North America north of Mexico. The female has been confused with dubitata Smith in collections. The female may be recognized at once by the following combination of characters: sides of thorax distinctly emarginate medially, second tergite with a pair of anterior, more or less distinct, pale pubescent spots, and a distinct mesonotal-scutellar suture or groove just anterior to the scutellar scale. The male can be distinguished by the brush of white hairs on the scape beneath, the dark fuscous wings, and the sparse, black pubescence of the abdominal tergites. The females as well as the males vary a great deal in size; length of females varies from 6 to 14 mm; the males from 9 to 19 mm.

The same source describes subspecies rufinota, found in Florida:
Male. — Exactly like vagans except the pronotum and mesonotum entirely and the propodeum more or less, ferruginous. Length, 17 mm. Female. — Indistinguishable from vagans.
Eastern North America (1); map for nominate subspecies:
Internet References