Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Parahypenodes quadralis Barnes & McDunnough
(1), 1918
placed in subfamily Hypenodinae by Hodges (1983)
placed in subfamily Hypeninae by Kitching and Rawlins (1999)
Phylogenetic sequence # 930667
(2) Size
Barnes & McDunnough (1918) listed the wingspan 18 mm.
Barnes & McDunnough (1918) original description is displayed and online in the print references.
  "Primaries dull ochreous gray, shaded with deep smoky; t.a. line single, dark, irregular, arising from small dark costal blotch, bent inward below costa with prominent outward bulge in the submedian fold; t.p. line single, dentate, squarely exserted around cell, then strongly inwardly oblique to a point on the middle of inner margin; at the end of cell a square blackish patch, the most prominent feature of the maculation; subterminal area dark smoky, the terminal area pale grayish, the difference between the two shades defining the s.t. line which is in general parallel to outer margin with a slight bulge opposite cell; outer margin slightly crenulate with dark terminal line; fringes dull ochreous, cut with smoky. Secondaries deep smoky with traces of a darker oblique line crossing from costa near apex to inner margin above anal angle. Beneath smoky, secondaries paler in basal area with traces of a curved post-median line."
Nova Scotia
(3) to Florida, east to Tennessee, north to Wisconsin and Ontario.
Primary syntype male from Quebec, St. John's Co., St Therese Island.
Moist and sandy places; adults are nocturnal and come to light and bait. [Handfield]
The adults fly from June to September in the south; late June and July in the north (Quebec).
Parahypenodes quadralis is seldom seen or collected; status is unknown in several parts of its range due to lack of information on its occurrence
Print References
Barnes & McDunnough, 1918.
Contributions to the Natural History of the Lepidoptera of North America. 4 (2):
124; pl. 18, fig. 6.
Handfield, L., 1999. Les Guides des Papillons du Quebec. Broquet. 662 pp.
Internet References
distribution in Canada list of provinces (U. of Alberta, using CBIF data)
Contributed by
Robin McLeod on 6 August, 2006 - 11:29am
Additional contributions by
Maury HeimanLast updated 14 September, 2014 - 7:32pm