Other Common Names
Common Field Grasshopper (Eng.), Criquet duettiste (Fr.)
From Orphulella pelidna, distinguished by more northerly locations. Pronotum appears to be narrower at middle on top due to more strongly constricted lateral margins. Tegmina are more convex on costal margin, with a row of diagonally parallel cells along this margin in males. Lateral foveolae of vertex are situated more dorsally, and are more clearly visible from above. Hind tibiae appear to be reddish, at least in males, and abdomen of males is often (always?) distinctly orange pigmented. This is a more hairy insect than O. pelidna.
From Chorthippus curtipennis, distinguished by longer wings (distinctly exceeding abdomen and hind femora), by lighter colored (not blackish) "knees" of hind tibiae, by two cuts through lateral carinae of pronotum, etc. C. curtipennis is less likely to have reddish coloring, but it can.
Introduced from Europe. Found so far in New Brunswick and Newfoundland in Canada.
Adults present early July to mid October (New Brunswick).
These insects have been previously confused with Chorthippus curtipennis and Orphulella pelidna on BugGuide. These specimens do not appear to fit any species previously recorded from North America, but rather look as though they belong in genus Chorthippus subgenus Glyptobothrus. They look to be very closely related to, if not the same as the Eurasian species C. brunneus.