6 spp. in our area; 14 spp. total
1. A. arida: AZ
2. A. coccinea: eastern to TX (ON; CT, DC, GA, FL, IL, IN, KS, MA, MD, MI, MS, NC, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV)
3. A. humeralis: eastern to NM (ON; AL, AR, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA)
4. A. illuminata: southwestern (AZ, NM, TX)
5. A. spiculata: AZ
6. A. texana: TX
Keys to species after Smith (1989):
Key to Adult Females
1a. Head entirely black; thorax primarily black ..................................................... 2
1b. Head with at least orange markings; thorax primarily orange ............................ 3
2a. Thorax with orange markings, abdomen orange, legs black, wings black ............. A. humeralis
2b. Thorax entirely black, abdomen black, legs with white markings, wings hyaline ... A. arida
3a. Legs beyond coxae black .............................................................................. 4
3b. Legs with tibiae and tarsi white ..................................................................... 5
4a. Thorax orange with black restricted to mesonotal lobes, wings black .................. A. coccinea
4b. Thorax orange with black restricted to mesosternum, wings posteriorly hyaline ... A. texana
5a. Antennae orange with black on flagellomeres 6-10 .......................................... H. spiculata
5b. Antennae entirely black ............................................................................... H. illuminata
A. coccinea A. humeralis A. illuminata A. spiculata
Key to Adult Males
Note: Males for A. illuminata (AZ-TX) and A. texana (TX) were unknown.
1a. Thorax usually orange-marked, eastern range ................................................. 2
1b. Thorax entirely black, southwestern range ...................................................... 3
2a. Eye small ................................................................................................... A. coccinea
2b. Eye large ................................................................................................... A. humeralis
3a. Tibiae white, wings hyaline ........................................................................... A. arida
3b. Tibiae black, wings black .............................................................................. A. spiculata
A. humeralis A. spiculata
Western Hemisphere: ON to Colombia, most diverse in Mexico & sw. US; 2 spp. in e. NA
hosts: the eastern spp. on
Rhus; hosts of other spp. unknown