Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Schinia scissoides (Benjamin, 1936)
Eupanychis scissoides Benjamin, 1936
Phylogenetic sequence #932133
(1) Identification
Benjamin (1936) original description as
Eupanychis scissoides is available in PDF
(2) or view online in the print references.
Heppner (2003) reported the range as South Carolina to Florida and Texas.
Schinia scissoides is listed as rare in North Carolina.
Holotype was collected in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Atlantic and Gulf inland sandy areas. The larvae may bury underground during the day.
Heppner (2003) reported adults from September to November.
(5)See Also
Compare on the pinned plates of
Moth Photographers Group.
Print References
Benjamin, F.H. 1936. Notes and new species (Lepidoptera, Phalaenidae). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 34: