Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Tetracris crocallata ? - Lychnosea intermicata - male

Tetracris crocallata ? - Lychnosea intermicata - Male
Camp Wood, Edwards County, Texas, USA
October 25, 2012
Size: apx 29 mm wt to wt
Is this Tetracris crocallata, Yellow-Slant-line, Hodges # 6963? Unfortunately my outside picture was taken against a dark brown post and was very over-exposed. This photograph is on 1/4" graph paper.

ID attempted with BG Guide and MPG Plate series.

Images of this individual: tag all
Tetracris crocallata ? - Lychnosea intermicata - male Tetracris crocallata ? - Lychnosea intermicata - male

Lychnosea intermicata - Hodges #6858
Moved from ID Request.


Thank you. I thought it did
Thank you. I thought it did not have enough dots but I thought the Slant-line had points on the lower wings, so nothing looked exact to me.