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Hornworm of some sort.... - Manduca rustica

Hornworm of some sort.... - Manduca rustica
Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona, USA
November 5, 2012
Size: 5 inches
I found this in the parking lot of my workplace (we are a biological control company) So I brought it inside to put in to a terrarium since I frequently raise insects for our bug collections. When I brought it inside I noticed 4 or 5 ants locked on to it. I removed the ants (some of which seemed dead) and took a few photos. I am typically pretty good with cat id, but the pink on this guy is throwing me off. Busy Monday morning, so I don't have the time to put in the identification effort and was hoping for a bit of help. Thanks in advance!

Moved from ID Request.

Thanks oodles!
I really appreciate the i.d.!! You guys rock, and I think this cat is in its wandering phase just before pupation, so I am throwing it in a terrarium with an area for it to bury itself and emerge a beautiful moth! I will post pictures as we progress.

Reminds me of a Rustic Sphinx.
They can vary in color, but we don't have anything other than green on the guide.

An Arizona image here. Also, note the granularity of the horn.

See reference here.

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