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Xestia c-nigrum and Polygonia c-album: What does the "c-" mean?

What does the "c-" mean? For the latter, I take it that the "c-" refers to the C-shaped mark, but "album?" No clue on "c-nigrum" though.

Probably colors
"Nigrum" means black. "Album" means white. I believe that those are masculine forms; the feminine would be "nigra" and "alba." Someone who knows Latin can confirm or disconfirm this. The c likely means a C-shaped marking in both cases.

I, too, suspect a c-shaped marking...
...based mainly on the discussion here.

Some of the synonyms use the letters f or g:
Original description: as Papilio Nymphalis c-album in Syst.Nat. (Edn. 10) I: 477.
Syn.: f-album (Esper, [1783])
g-album (Fourcroy, 1785)
pictior (Verity, 1919)

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