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Species Syritta pipiens

Syrphidae with hefty hind leg  - Syritta pipiens thick-legged hover fly - Syritta pipiens - female Xylota quadrimaculata? - Syritta pipiens - female Syritta pipiens - female Odd Hoverfly - Syritta pipiens Fly - Syritta pipiens Tiny fly. Perhaps xylota? -  - Syritta pipiens - male Syrphidae - Syritta pipiens - male
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Diptera (Flies)
No Taxon ("Aschiza")
Family Syrphidae (Hover Flies)
Subfamily Eristalinae
Tribe Milesiini
Subtribe Tropidiina
Genus Syritta
Species pipiens (Syritta pipiens)
Other Common Names
Thick-legged hoverfly
Explanation of Names
Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus 1758)
6.5-9.5 mm(1)
Scutum without pale spots in between transverse sutures
Fore and mid legs with dark spots on femora
Spurious vein present

Hind femur without large peg at base
Medial black stripe on second and third tergites usually rather thick

Maculae on fourth tergite rectangular, not extending posteriorly
Across NA & Eurasia(2)
Larvae in wet decaying organic matter (manure, compost, silage)(1).
Stages of Syritta pipiens have been reported from cow and horse manure, from guinea pig manure and from human excrement. It has also been found in decayed and rotting tulip bulbs and in heaps of vegetable refuse (Hodson, 1931).
mid-Apr to mid-Oct in ON(1)
Larvae feed on decaying Narcissus bulbs; wet manure, compost and silage.
Introduced from Europe in the 1800s (Martin Hauser's comment).
Internet References