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Tachys cf. vittiger LeConte - Tachys halophilus

Tachys cf. vittiger LeConte - Tachys halophilus
Quivira Nat. Wildlife Refuge, Stafford County, Kansas, USA
April 11, 2011
Size: 2.4 mm frons to abd. tip
sifting high-water detritus | leg. K.T. Eldredge, Z.H.Falin
det. Z.H.Falin

Zack's comment: "I'm trying to convince myself that this is really Tachys vittiger LeConte 1851. It is known from the west coast of NA (the Galapagos, the British Virgin Islands and Costa Rica, apparently!), but I picked up a specimen in a salt marsh at the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge in the middle of Kansas. It looks like the type at the MCZ -- the only difference perhaps being the more dramatically recurved stria on the elytra. Interestingly, I picked up T. pulchellus and T. pallidus at the exact same spot..."

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Tachys cf. vittiger LeConte - Tachys halophilus Tachys cf. vittiger LeConte - Tachys halophilus

thanks, Kip
Moved from Tachys vittiger.

suggested ID
Gievn the form of the elytral recurrent stria, the poorly defined frontal foveae, and locality, this seems more likely to be T. halophilus Lth.

Yes, change to "Tachys halophilus"
based on Kip Will's astute comments which nicely echo the information given by Lindroth 1966: 428. One other subtle feature is that halophilus has the pronotal hind angle oblique and slightly rounded along its basal edge (see image here) versus the same not oblique and nearly straight in vittiger.

This (provisional) new state record for Kansas is added to the Registry of Nearctic Geadephaga. BugGuide has a Texas record of "Tachys vittiger". It must now be reconsidered as possibly belonging to "T. halophilus".

Compare to MCZ type "Tachys marginellus LeConte",
a synonym of T. vittiger LeConte and imaged here. Beyond image comparison, it would be reassuring to know whether this specimen faired well against available keys and/or original description. I'm not aware of a single comprehensive key for North America. Closely related and difficult genera Paratachys and Tachys are both very speciose and in desperate need of taxonomic revision.

I agree
I used the MCZ type images, Casey 1918, and previously determined material in the collection (all from California) for my tentative determination.

I agree, though, this group is something of a mess. Most determinations have to be taken with a grain of salt- I just thought it would be nice to have an image up for this form, whatever we wind up calling it...


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