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Carabidae - Blemus discus

Carabidae - Blemus discus
100 Acre Wood, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA
June 18, 2012
Size: 5 mm
Black light

looks good... thanks again, MJ -- nice bug, nice pic, grat call
Moved from Ground Beetles.

ha! this would be a [somewhat sad] state record!

Yes, a new Iowa state record
even by Bousquet's new 2012 catalogue revision. Nice!

Let's find a way to archive on BugGuide all the new carabid state records post-revision. In the future a carabid researcher (perhaps Bousquet himself) can go to a BugGuide folder and incorporate the updates in meaningful ways. For the past several pre-revision years I've been notifying Bousquet about each new distribution record posted on BugGuide. I'm running out of steam so I wish there was a more practical way.

as an interim solution...
any editor can simply add image ##
drawback: no autonotifications of updates for Yves [in case he prefers that option].

alternatively, we can start a forum thread, with records added as separate comments, i.e. with the subscription option.
drawback: threads get buried easily, and people keep forgetting about them and fail to post updates.
possible solution: add a prominently formatted link to the family page urging people to report new records

I don't understand technically
how to navigate any of your options V. Off hand the first choice seems best, but when I go to the general Carabidae Info page from a fresh start, I can't find the special post-revision page that you apparently set up. Also, I'm not sure I know how to transfer small (thumbnail?) images to another location. I would guess that Yves Bousquet need not know immediate updates. It would be nice to just have a post-revison folder available for us to submit to and to visit periodically. I simply do not know how to do this yet. Your instructions would have to be very explicit in my case. Thank you.

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