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Which Chionodes? - Chionodes pseudofondella

Which Chionodes? - Chionodes pseudofondella
Jefferson Co Park , Jefferson County, Iowa, USA
July 25, 2012
Not sure which Chionodes this is? Very distinct coloration. Looks like spring oak leafroller listed as C. formosella in new Peterson guide to Moths pg 64-65, tho BG lists C. continuella as spring oak leafroller?? Realize that common names can be confusing. Would appreciate help on ID...Thanks!
Blacklight at NMW event.

Moved from Chionodes.

This is Chionodes pseudofondella; it is fairly common at light in the Midwest.

Thanks but confused?
Terry appreciate the ID, however do not find that species listed in BG? Does it need to be added? Confusing that it is common but not listed yet. Sure looks like the one at MPG.

Thanks for pointing this out
Apparently C. pseudofondella does need to be added to BugGuide; so, congratulations on contributing the first image of it to this site. I was surprised that there is only a single image of it at MPG. I frequently see it at light in deciduous forest in central IL, and it is well represented in Murray Glenn's material from Putnam County in northern IL, but maybe it is not so common regionally as I assumed it to be.

So, do you get to add it or does someone else do this group?

Found this during our Nat Moth Wk event, but may have it at my place as well...still sorting this years moths let alone some from past years. Will have to go back and ck my files :)

Nice to have most of my NMW moths ID'ed, so for this year perhaps we can have a pictorial guide for folks to use!?!

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