Species Trypoxylon politum - Organ Pipe Mud-dauber Wasp
Composition of spider prey captured by the wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) tridentatum tridentatum in two habitats in an oasis in By Karina Domínguez & María Luisa Jiménez The Canadian Entomologist 140: 388–392, 2008
Complete title: "Composition of spider prey captured by the wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) tridentatum tridentatum in two habitats in an oasis in Baja California Sur, Mexico"
Full Text
Contributed by Mandy Howe on 4 March, 2016 - 3:27am |
Wasps of the Genus Trypoxylon Subgenus Trypargilum in North America (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) By Rollin E. Coville University of California Press, Entomology, Volume 97, 1982
A Review of the Nearctic Wasps of the Genus Trypoxylon (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) By Grace A. Sandhouse American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 133-176, 1940
Sphecid wasps of the world: a generic revision By Richard Mitchell Bohart, Arnold S. Menke University of California Press, 1976
This is an excellent reference work!! The entire masterly obra magnum (675+ pages!) can be accessed beginning at the link below:
...provided courtesy of the " Internet Archive".
Thanks to Jeff for pointing to this link, which provides access to the entire work...unlike the incomplete coverage available at the Google Books link I had originally posted here.
Trap-nesting wasps and bees: life histories, nests, and associates By Krombein K.V. Smithsonian Press, Washington, DC. vi+570 pp., 1967
Contributed by v belov on 21 February, 2022 - 8:37pm |
Wasps: Their Biology, Diversity, and Role as Beneficial Insects and Pollinators of Native Plants By Heather N. Holm Pollination Press LLC; First edition, 2021
The Sting of the Wild: The Story of the Man Who Got Stung for Science By Justin O. Schmidt John Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD, 2016
This book is useful in dispelling myths about broad groups (particularly the oft-maligned Mutillidae). The Appendix contains the rankings for 83 species and includes all ranked species. It's also worth noting that this does mean that the majority of species are unranked, so caution should be taken in creating sweeping claims (as often done on rather erroneous Internet memes).
Molecular phylogenetics of Vespoidea indicate paraphyly of the superfamily... By Pilgrim E.M., von Dohlen C.D., Pitts J.P. Zoologica Scripta 37: 539–560, 2008
Full title: Molecular phylogenetics of Vespoidea indicate paraphyly of the superfamily and novel relationships of its component families and subfamilies
Contributed by v belov on 29 November, 2014 - 6:07pm |