Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada


Revision of torrent mites (Parasitengona, Torrenticolidae, Torrenticola) of the United States and Canada: 90 descriptions ...
By J. Ray Fisher, Danielle M. Fisher, Michael J. Skvarla, Whitney A. Nelson, Ashley P.G. Dowling
ZooKeys 701: 1-496, 2017
Full title: Revision of torrent mites (Parasitengona, Torrenticolidae, Torrenticola) of the United States and Canada: 90 descriptions, molecular phylogenetics, and a key to species

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Mites of Freshwater Mollusks
By Dale D. Edwards and Malcolm F. Vidrine
Malcolm F. Vidrine, 2013
This book introduces the natural history of the Unionicola of the world.

A new larva of the genus Leptus ... parasitic on a spider from Rwanda
By A. Fain and R. Jocqué
International Journal of Acarology, Vol. 22, No. 2: 101 - 108, 1996
A. Fain and R. Jocqué, A new larva of the genus Leptus Latreille, 1796 (Acari: Erythraeidae) parasitic on a spider from Rwanda, International Journal of Acarology, 22(2): 101-108, 1996.

This paper provides detailed drawings of anatomical features characteristic of the genus. It is one of the papers by specific authors freely downloadable at the GTI Reader Training Course in Contemporary Taxonomy - Mites taxonomy(1) website.

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Systematics of testudacarine torrent mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Torrenticolidae) with descriptions of 13 new species ...
By J. C. O’Neill, J. R. Fisher, W. A. Nelson, M. J. Skvarla, D. M. Fisher, and A. P. G. Dowling
ZooKeys 582: 13-110 , 2016
J. C. O’Neill, J. R. Fisher, W. A. Nelson, M. J. Skvarla, D. M. Fisher, and A. P. G. Dowling, Systematics of testudacarine torrent mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Torrenticolidae) with descriptions of 13 new species from North America, ZooKeys 582, pp. 13-110 , 2016.

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New genus and species of Erythraeinae ... from Mississippi with a key to the genera of North American Erythraeidae
By C. Welbourn and O. P. Young
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80(2):230-242, 1987
C. Welbourn and O. P. Young, New genus and species of Erythraeinae (Acari: Erythraeidae) from Mississippi with a key to the genera of North American Erythraeidae, Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80(2):230-242, 1987.

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Catalogue of the world Trombidiidae (Acari: Actinotrichida: Trombidioidea)
By Joanna Mąkol
Annales Zoologici 50(4):599-597, 2000
Contains listing of genera and species with distribution info. Detailed synonymy and bibliographic references are also provided.

As of January, 2017, the entire catalog can be read online or downloaded as a PDF at the following link:   ← better link...provides access to PDF (as pointed out by Edward in comment below)

[Disregard the old link: &; [color=green]...

Guide to the common water mite genera of Florida
By Pluchino E.S.
Dept Envir. Regulation Technical Series 7(1): 1-45, 1984

Biology and ecology of trombidiid mites (Acari: Trombidioidea)
By Z.Q. Zhang
Experimental and Applied Acarology 22: 139-155, 1998