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The Fulgoridae or plant-hoppers of Mississippi.
By Dozier, H.L.
Discertation, The Ohio State University, Columbus. 152 pp., 1922
Cite: 734711 with citation markup [cite:734711]
Full Text

Herbert Lawrence Dozier. 1922. The Fulgoridae or plant-hoppers of Mississippi, including those of possible occurrence: a taxonomic, biological, ecological and economic study. Discertation, The Ohio State University, Columbus. 152 pp. (Also, same author and title: 1926. Technical Bulletin of the Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station 14: 1-152.)

Treats the following families:


The correct spelling of the author's name is Dozier.

Thanks, Mike
I left my book outside. The pages got a little wrinkly when it rained. Anyway, I don't have to scan to add any descriptions.

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