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Euschistus tristigmus

Euschistus tristigmus
Parkwood, Durham County, North Carolina, USA
August 27, 2006
Size: 11 mm
Found at a light, captured and posed. Originally misidentified as Podisus. Thanks for correction--see comments.
See ventral shot for key to the (now correct) species.

Images of this individual: tag all
Euschistus tristigmus Euschistus tristigmus Euschistus tristigmus Euschistus tristigmus

Moved--details on subspecies?
Moved from Dusky Stink Bug. Thanks for details on this subspecies. Is there any summary you can make in a comment, for instance, about how this is identified?

ID ref.

Euschistus tristigmus tristigmus

ID confirmed by D.B. Thomas: E. tristigmus

Moved from Euschistus.

Moved from Podisus.

must be moved to Euschistus

Oh dear, looks like I messed up this one. I thought I keyed it correctly with Slater. Could you describe any characters that tell you it is Euschistus? That would be helpful.

Many thanks for the correction.

beak design says it's not a predator

Thanks, roger that!
I see the error of my ways now, thanks to your comments and a careful examination of the key in Slater (1), which is what I should have done originally.

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