Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Chrysomelidae, dorsal - Derocrepis erythropus

Chrysomelidae, dorsal - Derocrepis erythropus
Plymouth Rock, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA
May 10, 2011
Size: 2.5 mm
Collected on Triosteum aurantiacum

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Chrysomelidae, dorsal - Derocrepis erythropus Chrysomelidae, head & pronotum - Derocrepis erythropus Chrysomelidae, lateral - Derocrepis erythropus Chrysomelidae, lateral - Derocrepis erythropus

Moved tentatively; great call.
Moved from Flea Beetles.