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Species Cryptothelea gloverii - Hodges#0442

Bagworm Moth IMG_0566 - Cryptothelea gloverii Cryptothelea gloverii  for Alabama - Cryptothelea gloverii Cryptothelea gloverii  for Alabama - Cryptothelea gloverii Bagworms Moth - Cryptothelea gloverii Cryptothelea gloverii Cryptothelea gloverii Cryptothelea gloverii Cryptothelea gloverii
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Tineoidea (Tubeworm, Bagworm, and Clothes Moths)
Family Psychidae (Bagworm Moths)
Subfamily Psychinae
Genus Cryptothelea
Species gloverii (Cryptothelea gloverii - Hodges#0442)
Hodges Number
Other Common Names
Orange bagworm (1)
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Cryptothelea gloverii (Packard, 1869)
Platoeceticus gloveri Packard, 1869
Explanation of Names
Named for Mr. Glover from Florida who discovered a larva (basket-worm) on his orange. Mr. Glover produced wonderful drawings of the species. (Packard, 1869)
Cryptothelea has two species in America north of Mexico. (2)
Wingspan 14-18 mm. (3)
Similar to Cryptothelea nigrita which has a slightly different shaped outer margin. The shape of the scales on the forewing are different.
Cryptothelea gloverii forewing scales are "elongate, narrowly oblanceolate(4) with sharp acute apices". (3)
♂ antennae 22-24 segmented. (3)
Atlantic and Gulf Coast states to Mexico and Honduras. (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (3), (11), (12)
Moth Photographers Group - large map with some distribution data.
Adults are most common from May through October.
Heppner (2003) reports January to November for Florida. (12)
Villanueva, Rodrigues & Childers (2005) report the larvae feed on the foliage and fruit. They also feed on the mites and scales insects associated with the host plant. (1)
Pierce (1995) listed Pseudoaonidia duplex (Camphor scale). (13)
Heppner (2003)(12), and Ward, et al. (1997)(14) report a long list of host plants.
Acacia sp.
Achillea milletfolium (yarrow)
Carya sp. (hickory)
Celtis sp. (hackberry)
Citrus sp.
Crataegus sp. (hawthorn)
Diospyros virginiana (persimmon)
Erythrina sp.
Feijoa sp. (pineapple guava)
Parkinsonia aculeata (Jerusalem thorn)
Persea americana (avocado)
Pseudobombax ellipticum (pink shaving brush)
Psidium guajava (guava)
Pyracantha coccinea (scarlet firethorn)
Sapindus drummondii (soapberry)
Spondia mombin (mombin or hog plum)
Veitchia merrillii (Christmas palm)
Yucca sp.
Zanthoxylum fagara (lime pricklyash)
Quercus sp. (oak)
Rosa sp.
See Also
Astala confederata is a daytime flier.
Print References
Davis, D.R. 1964. Bagworm moths of the Western Hemisphere (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 244: 59. (3)
Packard, 1869. Guide to the Study of Insects. 291.
Works Cited
1.Larval Cryptothelea gloverii (Lepidoptera: Psycidae), an arthropod predator and herbivore on Florida citrus
Raul T. Villanueva, Jose C. V. Rodrigues, Carl C. Childers. 2005. Experimental & Applied Acarology 36(1):83-92. .
2.Check list of the Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico.
Hodges, et al. (editors). 1983. E. W. Classey, London. 284 pp.
3.Bagworm Moths of the Western Hemisphere
Donald R. Davis. 1964. Smithsonian Institution.
5.Arkansas Lepidoptera Survey
6.Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Florida
7.South Carolina Moth Species
8.Moths of Brackenridge Field Laboratory University of Texas at Austin
9.Oklahoma moth species list by county (PDF)
10.Moths of Stengl "Lost Pines" Biological Research Station (University of Texas, Austin)
11.A partial checklist of moths from mixed mesophytic hardwood forests in Louisiana (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Deborah Landau, Dorothy Prowell. 1999. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 125(1+2): 139-150.
12.Arthropods of Florida and Neighboring Land Areas: Lepidoptera of Florida
J.B. Heppner. 2003. Florida Department of Agriculture 17(1): 1-670.
13.Predatory and parasitic Lepidoptera: carnivores living on plants
Naomi E. Pierce. 1995. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 49(4): 412-453 .
14.Annotated checklist of New World insects associated with Prosopis (Mesquite)
C. R. Ward, C. W. O'Brien, l. B. O'Brien, D. E. Foster, E. W. Huddleston. 1977. Agricultural Research Service, U.S.D.A. 1557: 1-115.