Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Melitara subumbrella (Dyar, 1925)
Olyca subumbrella Dyar, 1925
Olycella nephelepasa (Dyar, 1928)
Olycella subumbrella, (Heinrich, 1939)
Larvae are white with pale purple cross-bands.
Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan to southern Arizona and central Texas.
Moth Photographers Group - large map with some distribution data.
Type locality: Carlsbad, NM.
The main flight period is March to October.
Larval host is
Opuntia spp. (prickly-pear cacti).
(1)Life Cycle
Eggs are deposited in a stick shaped pile on cactus pods and fruits. The larvae bore into the pads where they complete the life cycle.
(1)Print References
Dyar, H.G., 1925. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, 13: 14.
Dyar, H.G., 1928. Notes on cactus moths allied to
Melitara, with two new genera and one new species.
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 30:
Heinrich, C., 1939. The cactus-feeding Phycitinae: A contribution toward a revision of the American pyralidoid moths of the family Phycitidae.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 86: 347.
Neunzig, H.H., 1997.
The Moths of America North of Mexico, Fascicle 15.4. The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation. p. 58; pl. 3, figs. 19-20, 34.
(1)Contributed by
Maury J. Heiman on 5 February, 2013 - 11:37am
Additional contributions by
Steve NanzLast updated 8 December, 2019 - 5:00am