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Glenognatha foxi? - Glenognatha foxi - male

Glenognatha foxi? - Glenognatha foxi - Male
Gloucester County, New Jersey, USA
February 16, 2013
Size: 1.5mm (w/o palps)
Found in leaf litter while releasing yesterday's Pardosas. About 40 degrees out. Very active and difficult to photograph (photos taken with iphone 4s and Olloclip). I still have the spider and may try again to get a better picture, didn't have time to look for a female.
Edit: I figured out they stop running and are easier to photograph if you let them hang upside down.

Images of this individual: tag all
Glenognatha foxi? - Glenognatha foxi - male Glenognatha foxi? - Glenognatha foxi - male Glenognatha foxi? - Glenognatha foxi - male

Moved from Spiders.

Certainly looks like G. foxi.
Certainly looks like G. foxi.


Looks like it to me too.

Nice results from the phone considering what a tiny fellow he is!

Thanks,I gave up on getting an even better shot, he never stopped moving. The Pardosas were the same way but at least they were a little bigger and couldn't climb out of a bowl and they're both accustomed to the cold so putting them in the refrigerator barely made a difference.

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