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Aggressive girl - Phidippus octopunctatus - female

Aggressive girl - Phidippus octopunctatus - Female
4 mi w. of Prosser on Richards Rd., Benton County, Washington, USA
August 15, 2006
Size: about 25mm
This is the first time I've noticed this species at this location. I collected her atop a garden hose stretched over an expanse of green lawn grass. Our property backs right up to an arid sagebrush habitat, which I imagine is where she came in from (This species is reported throughout the arid regions of the US). She was more aggressive than our more common P. audax, and gave me my first Phiddy bite as I wrangled her into a jar (I've been working w/the genus for years, and this is the first animal that has actually bitten me!) Shortly after her collection, she oviposited and is still gaurding her eggs. I will try to get shots of the spiderlings if the eggs are fertile.

Images of this individual: tag all
Aggressive girl - Phidippus octopunctatus - female Aggressive girl - Phidippus octopunctatus - female

to page.

Why no!
Hmmm, pretty sure I typed in "Mid August" of 2006, the program must not have liked that format. I didn't make note of the exact day, but Sometime in the mid-weeks of August was when she was collected. I took the images yesterday, however: Sept 3rd.

images. Is the date correct?

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