Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Cosmopterix attenuatella (Walker, 1864)
Gelechia attenuatella Walker, 1864
Cosmopteryx [sic] flavofasciata Wollaston, 1879
Cosmopterix mimetis Meyrick, 1897
Cosmopteryx [sic] venefica Meyrick, 1915
Cosmopteryx [sic] apiculata Meyrick, 1922
Cosmopterix [sic] antillia Forbes, 1931
Cosmopterix [sic] superba Gozmány, 1960
There are more than 31 species of the genus
Cosmopterix in America north of Mexico.
Forewing length 3.5-5.8 mm.
Texas to North Carolina and Florida.
Found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
Moth Photographers Group - large map with some distribution data.
Heppner (2003) reported adults every month in Florida.
The main flight period is January to June in other areas.
The larval host in the United States is
Cyperus L. (flatsedge) (Cyperaceae).
(5)Print References
Hodges, R.W., 1978.
The Moths of America North of Mexico, Fascicle 6.1. E.W. Classey Ltd. and The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, p. 26; pl. 2.25-26.
Koster, J.C., 2010. The genera
Cosmopterix Hübner and
Pebobs Hodges in the New World with special attention to the Neotropical fauna (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae).
Zoologische Mededelingen, 84: figs 19, 122, 205, 310.