Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Bagisara Walker, 1858; List Lep. Insects. Brit. Mus. 15:
1770 Numbers
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2010) listed 12 species of the genus
Bagisara in America north of Mexico.
Adult: forewing variably pale yellowish to dark brown with three untoothed lines crossing the wing; several species look very similar, but the two most common species in the east can be distinguished as follows:
B. repanda: forewing usually shows darkening at the reniform spot and also some dark shading of the three lines; outer margin slightly angulate; wing length 10-12 mm; male foretibia and forefemur with large dense black-tipped scale tufts
B. rectifascia: forewing usually shows no darkening at the reniform spot and no noticeable dark shading of the three lines; outer margin rounded; wing length 12-14 mm; male foretibia and forefemur without black-tipped scale tufts
Comment by Bob Patterson " of B. rectifascia are apt to appear glossy or washed out, while those of B. repanda tend to come out much darker overall."
Southern United States from Florida to California, south to Argentina
one species (B. rectifascia) occurs north to Massachusetts and Manitoba
Print References
Ferguson, D.C., 1997. Review of the New World Bagisarinae with description of two new species from the southern United States (Noctuidae).
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 51(4): 344-357.