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Looks like a Lady... - Hyperaspidius

Looks like a Lady... - Hyperaspidius
La Luz Trail, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, USA
April 24, 2008
Size: ~2mm
In a stream bed walking on fine granite gravel/sand. Seems too small for a lady beetle.


Moved from Scymninae.

Hyperaspidinii definitely
And very likely Hyperaspidius. I'll see what my references come up with, the pattern is fairly distinctive. It looks to be female, with the small frontal white area and no white on the pronotum, and that makes it harder to ID species.

great; thanks, Abigail.

second for Hyperaspidius
and could this be the elusive female of H. arcuatus LeConte? (syn: H. rossi Nunenmacher) Have to order a few old library reprints :)

was also thinking H. arcuatus...
but I wasn't bold enough to suggest it! I don't see anything else that matches at all; the male H. arcuatus is quite close in appearance to this female (the pale area of the elytra extends beyond the basal margin, but pattern variations are so common in Coccinellidae that it doesn't overly faze me).

super! Hyperaspidius? let's see what the experts say
Moved from Cucujoidea.

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