Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Revision of the North American moths of the family Oecophoridae, with descriptions of new genera and species
By J. F. Gates Clarke
Proceedings of the United States National Museum 90(3107): 33-286, 1941
Cite: 756988 with citation markup [cite:756988]
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Brown House Moth
After finally ridding our home of pantry moths, and a year moth free, we seem to have a second round with the brown house most. I have easily identified this as the pest we now have due to the excellent images many have taken. I feel like I am turning into the crazy moth lady. I sit up at night waiting for the regular appearance of one or two of them. I have cleaned upside down and inside out. Am now considering tearing of the baseboard in gas they are down there. I have never seen the larvae stage anywhere......just the moths, one or two an evening inside, and several outside. Caught a few hiding between the cushions on the outside deck. I wonder if I left the air conditioner on for the six days we are away, would that be enough to disrupt the cycle? We have seem more humid days this summer. The pantry moth infestation was fixed with a new kitchen a, heat treatment of the whole house, and some pretty major cleaning and no food in the house for months......when food was brought it it was in the freezer and then in sealed containers. I just don't know where to start with these ones. I have old books, fabric in my sewing room. Help!

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