Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Explanation of Names
Author of name:
Carl Alexander Clerck. First year published: 1757, as
Araneus pallidulus.
Body length of adults is 6 - 11 mm.
Coastal British Columbia & Washington, and southern Ontario. Also Europe and Asia.
Has been collected in shrubs, herbs, under bark, in mole burrows in the soil, in cultivated crops, and in houses.
Adult males April to June, and adult females from June to November.
This species is believed to be a recent introduction to North America. The earliest record of it on the continent is dated 1949 (Roddy 1966).
(2)Print References
Huber, B. A. 1995. "Genital morphology and copulatory mechanics in Anyphaena accentuata (Anyphaenidae) and Clubiona pallidula (Clubionidae: Araneae)." Journal of Zoology London 235: 689-702.
Paquin, P. & N. Dupérré. 2003. Guide d'identification des araignées de Québec. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 1-251.
Roddy, L. R. 1966. "New species, records, of clubionid spiders." Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 85(3): 399-407.
Internet References
Great images of the genitalia on the
Spiders of Belgium and France website.
Contributed by
Mandy Howe on 13 April, 2013 - 6:51am
Additional contributions by
cheinsLast updated 7 February, 2023 - 8:27am