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Queen Size Comparison - Black Field Ants - Formica

Queen Size Comparison - Black Field Ants - Formica
Basking Ridge, Somerset County, New Jersey, USA
April 23, 2013
Huge colony with at last 2 queens found in a clump of dirt. (I might have seen a third...)

Two of my neighbors allow me to freely look for bugs in their yard when ever I want, and I was checking the neighbor's yard across the street. There was a clump of dirt at the base of one of their trees. Probably 1.0ft by 0.5ft by 0.5ft. It looked like it was tightly packed but had recently been on the surface. I flipped it over and it was FULL of ants. I don't think I've ever seen so many ants in one spot. I saw at least 3 queens in the chaos, but only collected 2.

I'm so relieved I found them so easily. There's four colonies in my yard, all in the mulch at the base of trees. There's also two colonies in my neighbor's backyard, which they allow me to explore freely. I was afraid I'd have to dig like 2 feet into the ground to get them.

The queen in this photograph was pumpin' out the eggs. Like she couldn't stop. She even laid three during this on-white photoshoot.