Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Urographis Horn 1880
3 spp. in our area, 5 total
Graphisurus triangulifer is distinctive; to separate G. fasciatus from G. despectus:
G. fasciatus female
G. despectus female
G. fasciatus male
G. despectus male
Several characters in combination will separate Graphisurus fasciatus from Graphisurus despectus:
In fasciatus, the apices of the elytra are emarginate, in despectus they are truncate
In fasciatus the scutellum has a gray pubescent mark medially, while in despectus it is all-dark
The antennal scape of fasciatus has a gray pubescent band at the middle third, while in despectus the basal two-thirds of the scape is gray
In fasciatus the dark mottling of the elytra is more pronounced and in despectus the background coloration is a more even gray
The dorsal surface of the female ovipositor of fasciatus has a distinct carina, or is at least noticeably convex, while in despectus the dorsal surface of the ovipositor is flat and unridged.