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 Lily Leaf Beetle (Lilioceris lilii) - Lilioceris lilii

Lily Leaf Beetle (Lilioceris lilii) - Lilioceris lilii
Greenville, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA
July 23, 2004
Size: ~ 10 cm. or ⅝"
ID please. And, is there an organic way to get rid of them? This beetle looked kind of cute when I took this photo way back in 2004. Two years ago I learned (the hard way) that this beetle RAVAGES the leaves and flowers of lilies! Tiger Lilies, Asiatic Lilies, Easter Lilies. It does not touch Day Lilies. Most of my Tiger Lilies are long-gone, as are the Asiatic. I've looked through a huge portion of beetles in the BugGuide guide, but didn't see it. I could have stopped too soon, yet I think I looked at about 150 "pages" of beetles. I looked in several field guides as well, no luck. My gardening friends have been keeping them at bay by manually removing each and every one they see on their lilies all through the Summer. I'm not up to doing that. Right now, I have only Day Lilies as this little red beetle with black head and legs will descend and devour the other lilies I no longer have. I look forward to your ID and hopefully, some other organic way of ridding them, other than by hand. I will not use pesticides. Thank you.

Moved from ID Request.

"~10 cm" is 4 inches; this beetle is under 8 mm
size data only help if measured in mm, otherwise the field is better left blank: estimates are useless for identification purposes, and more often mislead than help

if your not feeling up to it,
if your not feeling up to it, you could get a neighbor and pay them 5$ or so to do it for you!

Hand-picking is the best method
It's how I control the ones on my lilies; I'm not aware of any other organic ways to control them. Luckily they don't eat day lilies.

Lilioceris lilii

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