Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Authors: Nico M. Franz, M. Andrew Jansen, Gregory P. Setliff, Michael Shillingburg, Sarah Shirota, Charles W. O'Brien
"An emerging resource for locality information, habitus photographs, and legacy descriptions of ~3000 North American weevil species [...] The majority of specimens stem from the Charles W. O'Brien weevil collection..."
NB: the genera Acanthobaris, Anisorrhamphus, Archocopturus, Crotanius, Cylindrocerus, Cyrionyx, Elliptobaris, Embates, Eugeraeus, Hiotus, Larides, Leptoschoinus, Limnobaris, Lydamis, Madarus, Megalostylus, Nesotocus, Nicentrites, Optatus, Prionobrachium, Tyrannion, Xystus mostly occur in the neotropical parts of Mexico and do not range into our area.
See list of spp. that belong to the genera represented in our area and have habitus photos on the WoNA site

Weevils of North America (WoNA)
working link: Weevils of North America (WoNA) - SCAN

Families: 12
Genera: 332
Species: 1102 (species rank)
Total Taxa: 1110 (including subsp. and var.)

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