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Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - female

Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - Female
Mill Canyon Road, Mono County, California, USA
June 10, 2013
Size: 7 mm
Beat from a cottonwood tree along a creek. The overall markings and epigynum seem to match this species pretty well.

Images of this individual: tag all
Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - female Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - female Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - female Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - female Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - female Philodromus cf. californicus - Philodromus californicus - female

From Rod Crawford -
who was kind enough to look at these images:

"the epigynum is a good match but the receptacles look more like spectabilis than like my one female of californicus. However, the coloration isn't a good match for spectabilis. I'd leave it in californicus for now".

Philodromus californicus
Nice one Ken! I can't verify ID, but maybe you can ask John Sloan or Kevin P. to take a look if you'd like someone to second your ID.

Thanks Lynette -
maybe I'll ask John, as this species makes it up to Canada and he may have encountered it.

John Sloan -
John Sloan kindly looked at these images and thinks the epigynum matches quite well to this species, although this is not a genus he works with often and of course it's always best to have the specimen in hand...


Added -
images of dissected epigynum. Seems to match P. californicus in my view. Moving to newly created species page - comments or corrections welcome.

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