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Photos of insects and people from the 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico, July 20-24

Photos of insects and people from the Spring 2021 gathering in Louisiana, April 28-May 2

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Family Ectobiidae

Wood Cockroache Nymph - Dorsal - Parcoblatta virginica - female cockroach? - Parcoblatta Kitchen bug - Blattella germanica ID help please - Blattella germanica Is this a bed bug? - Luridiblatta trivittata Blattodea - Blattella vaga Arizona Cockroach for ID - Parcoblatta notha Roach nymph?
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Blattodea (Cockroaches and Termites)
Superfamily Blaberoidea
Family Ectobiidae
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
the largest family of the order, with ~35 spp. (incl. several adventive) in 14 genera of 4 subfamilies in our area and ~2,300 spp. in ~220 genera of 7 subfamilies worldwide(1)(2)
Small to medium sized cockroaches represented in the United States by approximately 40 species belonging to 12 genera. The species depicted below should not be considered a comprehensive list of all species that occur in North America, and is based upon Nomina Neartica with additional species added as they are found. The name and date listed after each genus and species refers to the author that described the taxon and the year that the description was published. For those enclosed within parentheses, the species was initially described as belonging to another genus with subsequent workers moving the species to a different genus based on an improved understanding of phylogenetic relationships.

Genera found within North America:
Aglaopteryx Hebard 1917

Blattella Caudell 1903

Cariblatta Hebard 1916

Chorisoneura Brunner 1865

Ectobius Stephens 1835

Euthlastoblatta Hebard 1917

Ischnoptera Burmeister 1838

Latiblattella Hebard 1917

Luridiblatta Fernandes, 1965

Neoblattella Shelford 1911

Parcoblatta Hebard 1917

Plectoptera Saussure 1864

Pseudomops Servolle 1831

Supella Shelford 1911

Symploce Hebard 1916

Aglaopteryx Hebard 1917
Aglaopteryx gemma (Hebard 1917)

Blattella Caudell 1903
Blattella asahinai (Mizukubo 1981)
Blattella germanica (Linnaeus 1767)
Blattella vaga (Hebard 1935)

Cariblatta Hebard 1916
Cariblatta lutea (Saussure and Zehntner 1893)
Cariblatta minima (Hebard 1916)

Chorisoneura Brunner 1865
Chorisoneura parishi (Rehn 1918)
Chorisoneura texensis (Saussure and Zehntner 1893)

Ectobius Stephens 1835
Ectobius lapponicus (Linnaeus 1758)
Ectobius lucidus (Hagenbach 1822)
Ectobius pallidus (Olivier 1789)
Ectobius sylvestris (Poda 1761)

Euthlastoblatta Hebard 1917
Euthlastoblatta abortiva (Caudell 1904)

Ischnoptera Burmeister 1838
Ischnoptera bilunata (Saussure 1869)

Latiblattella Hebard 1917
Latiblattella lucifrons (Hebard 1917)
Latiblattella rehni (Hebard 1917)

Luridiblatta Fernandes 1965
Luridiblatta trivittata (Serville 1839)

Neoblattella Shelford 1911
Neoblattella detersa (Walker 1868)

Parcoblatta Hebard 1917
Parcoblatta americana (Scudder 1900)
Parcoblatta bolliana (Saussure and Zehntner 1893)
Parcoblatta caudelli (Hebard 1917)
Parcoblatta desertae (Rehn and Hebard 1909)
Parcoblatta divisa (Saussure and Zehntner 1893)
Parcoblatta fulvescens (Saussure and Zehntner 1893)
Parcoblatta lata (Brunner 1865)
Parcoblatta notha (Rehn and Hebard 1910)
Parcoblatta pensylvanica (De Geer 1773)
Parcoblatta uhleriana (Saussure 1862)
Parcoblatta virginica (Brunner 1865)
Parcoblatta zebra (Hebard 1917)

Plectoptera Saussure 1864
Plectoptera picta (Saussure and Zehntner 1893)
Plectoptera poeyi (Saussure 1862)

Psuedomops Servolle 1831

Supella Shelford 1911
Supella longipalpa (Fabricius 1798)

Symploce Hebard 1916
Symploce morsei (Hebard 1916)
Symploce pallens (Stephens 1835)