Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Isocorypha mediostriatella (Clemens, 1865)
Phylogenetic sequence #008975
Tinea auristrigella, Lecitocera flavistrigella
Head: Straw colored, long haired (scaled), with a slight reddish-brown tint on face. Palpi long, folded, bristled; yellowish on top, dark on underside.
Antenna: Pale yellowish, thick, as long as wing.
Thorax: Brown with purplish reflections. Underside grayish, speckled.
Wings: Dark purplish-brown. Wide gold stripe from base down center of wing. Two gold spots at each side at tip of center stripe. Fringe in sections of gold, then brown. Hind wings reddish-purple with dark fringe.
Legs: Brown. Hind shins (tibiae) hairy. Underside of legs grayish, speckled.
Abdomen: Brownish-gray. Underside grayish, speckled.
Eastern half of U.S., Texas and Oklahoma; Ontario
Debris, fungus, rotting animal and vegetation.
Syntype as Tinea auristrigella male by Chambers 1873. # 14943 Locality: Kentucky. In Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.
Holotype as Lecitocera flavistrigella by Walsingham, 1882. Locality: In Museum of Natural History, Philadelphia, Drexel University, Penn.
Syntype as Isocorypha mediostriatella by Dietz, 1905. Locality: Atlantic States. In Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. In poor condition and glued to a paper point. No other syntypes are known.
Print References
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, 1865, vol. 5, pg. 147 by Clemens.
The Tineina of North American, 1872 by (the late) Dr. Brackenridge Clemens, pg. 273. (repeat).
The Canadian Entomologist, 1873, Vol. 5, pg. 86 by Chambers.
Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 1882, Vol. 10, pg. 189 by Walsingham.
Insect Life, 1888, Vol. 1, pg. 147 by Walsingham.
Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 1905, Vol. 31, pp. 42 to 43 by Dietz.
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 1901-03, Vol. 5, pg. 220 by Busck.
Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, 1923, Memoir #63 by Forbes.
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1989-92, Vol. 152, pp. 50 to 51.
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group – images of live and pinned adults
BOLD Systems - images of pinned DNA supported specimens